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Is It OK To Post Thirsty Pictures When You’re In A Relationship?

Thirst traps — or sexy photos posted online to attract attention — are a significant part of online culture … Read More

5 Big GuyQ Problems Solved

It’s OK to ask for help. In fact, here at AskMen, we encourage it. That’s why we have GuyQ, a place for you to come and submit … Read More

Mental Health and Therapy: Are You on the Apps?

Introducing the second episode of The Conversationalist Podcast! … Listen to the Episode

The Evolution of a Bisexual: My Road to Embracing Sexual Fluidity by Bobby Box

“When it comes to sexuality in particular, there is rightfully a lot of autonomy given to people to self-identify … Read More

Is It Ever Okay to Out Someone?

Coming out is a monumental moment in a queer person’s life. The experience is often wrought with nerves … Read More

8 Common Relationship Goals To Ignore If You Want A Healthy Partnership

Have you ever been scrolling through social media, seen an adorable picture of a happy couple … Read More

10 Signs the Person You’re Dating Wants to Keep Things Casual

When you meet someone new, it can sometimes be tough to know what sort of relationship that other person … Read More

The 7 Biggest Misconceptions About Treating Anxiety, According To Therapists

If you’re someone who has anxiety, deciding what path you want to take for treatment can be overwhelming … Read More

7 Tips for Dialing Down the Toxicity in Your Life

If you thought that the biggest word of 2018 was “extra” or “woke,” we’re about to rock your world … Read More

The Rare Situation When it *is* Okay to Break Up Via Text Message

When it comes to dating, I am not someone who typically adheres to “rules.” I think the … Read More

How To Not Feel Like a Jealous Failure in Light of Other People’s Achievements

While I try my hardest to not be someone who compares herself to other people … Read More

What’s Actually Going on When a Man Can’t Orgasm

As a woman, I have a hard time not blaming myself when my male partner doesn’t come during sex … Read More

The Biggest Things to Consider Before Expanding Your Family

Between childcare costs, countless parenting styles and the lack of sleep, there are a lot of things … Read More

How To Actually Be Present During Sex (Rather Than Going Over Your Grocery List In Your Mind)

Have you ever found yourself making a mental grocery list in the middle of sex? You could be … Read More

The Most Common Discipline Mistakes Parents Make

It would be great if, when your little bundle of joy entered the world, he or she also came with a manual … Read More

Your Marriage Is Failing — But These Techniques Could Help

First comes love, then comes marriage and then comes many years of wedded bliss — ideally … Read More